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Broadley, Robert

Broadley, Robert (1908 – 1988)

Robert Broadley was born in 1908 in Manchester, UK. From 1924 – 1926 he studied at the Victoria School of
Art in Southport. Broadley was a keen amateur golfer from his youth.

In 1927 he started visiting South Africa,
and wandered between South Africa and England for 13 years. During this period, he was a part-time

In 1934 he became a golf-professional at Durban country club, but in the year 1937 he gave up golf to
concentrate on painting. Broadley received numerous commission work, both official and private.
In 1947 he was selected by SAAA to compete with Terence Mccaw, Neville Lewis and Le Roux Smith Le
Roux, for R5990 commission, for a painting of the Royal Opening of Parliament, where Broadley’s sketch
was chosen.

He completed the commission work in 1949. Robert Broadley settled in the Cape where he
confined himself to nude studies, portraiture and still lives.



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